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Yes Republicans, I’m talking about you. You got 2 Supreme Court Justices out of Donald Trump. Things are looking up for you. You also got tax cuts for the rich, an immigration ban on Muslims, a denuclearization treaty with North Korea (Maybe?), and a likely repeal of Roe v. Wade. Not to mention the gift from President Obama of a booming economy and low unemployment. Trump really came through for you, but at what cost?

Trump is ripping apart the fabric of our Democracy. He is alienating our Allies but praising Russian and North Korean Dictators. We now live in a world where we have Russians in the Oval Office without any Americans present after our Intelligence Agencies stated clearly that Russians hacked our Democracy. President Trump believes President Putin. After all, Putin said Russia didn’t do it so Trump did pretty much nothing for quite some time. Trump thinks Nazi’s and the KKK have some good people among them. Last time I checked, Nazi’s and the KKK hate anyone that isn’t white. How is that good for our Democracy? Trump didn’t put the average man first during his first 2 years. No Jobs Bill, increased minimum wage, Infrastructure bill, environment or consumer protections. Trump didn’t waste one thought on you. If lying were an Olympic sport, Trump would win the Gold. He is against trying to protect the environment or preventing climate change. He objectifies women and thinks nothing of assaulting them because it’s his right as a STAR. He bragged that he could kill someone in Times Square and wouldn’t lose a single vote. He called John McCain a loser because he got caught and made a prisoner of war. Our Justice system is corrupt, our elections are rigged, and the news, except for FOX News, is fake according to Trump.  Ironic coming from the most prolific liar in the history of Politics. These are just a few of Donald Trump’s greatest hits, there are too many others to mention here. But the worst thing he did was support a policy that took children from their refugee parents at our southern border. Trump hugs the American flag, but tramples on the Constitution of the United States of America. He never talks about upholding our Democracy. Haven’t you had enough?

Don’t you see how dangerous Donald Trump is? Do you want to see our country in flames because of civil unrest or thermonuclear war? What good is it to have money in the bank if our country is in chaos and burning? We don’t trust each other or work together because Trump is single handedly and deliberately pitting us against each other. Republican voters, you have got to snap out of it and see the horror show that you are supporting. It can only get worse if you do nothing, and allow Republican Politicians to continue down this path. You got all you are going to get out of Trump, now it’s time to get rid of the trash. In the midterm elections, progress was made and now there is a Democratic House which affords us some checks against the spineless Republican Senate. America will not be fully restored until Donald Trump is defeated in 2020. If you don’t act to reverse the course of the country, you will lose the only things you have left to lose….. your Democracy, Freedom, and your soul.

The Declaration of Independence

This means something. No one man can diminish it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

These words found in the Declaration of Independence didn’t say all men except the President are equal. The President is equal under the Constitution of the United States. The following excerpts of the Constitution clearly state this:



The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.


The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

There is considerable debate about what laws, if broken by the President, can he be Impeached for. It’s very simple. The President can be Impeached for any law he breaks that is a Misdemeanor or greater. Some examples are: Obstruction of justice, lying if under oath, violation of campaign finance laws, treason by inadequately defending the Constitution (Russia interfered with our Democracy and Trump did nothing initially), making money because you are President (Emoluments Clause), bribery, income tax evasion, etc. Trump could possibly be guilty of any or all of these laws. I believe if Trump is going to be Impeached, it will be related to his business dealings (money deals or taxes) or obstruction of justice relating to his dealings with Russia. I agree with Trump, proving collusion is less likely.

Now let’s assume the President is Impeached. According to Article 1 Section 3, he can only be discharged from office. Once he is removed from office though, he is no longer the President, and can now be tried in a state or local court of law, convicted, then punished according to the law. This point is clearly stated. I don’t know why lawmakers on the left and the right are confused about this point. Just because these issues don’t have precedence, doesn’t change the words in the Constitution. Everyone is simply overthinking things.

The bottom line is, no one knows what evidence the Special Prosecutor has, but the Constitution guarantees that President Trump is innocent until proven guilty. But make no mistake about it, President Trump is not above the law. We simply must wait until the investigation is over and, if necessary, have an Impeachment hearing. Prosecutors must take a sufficient amount of time to build a case, and even for us lowly civilians, it can sometimes take a long time. Imagine how large this investigation is. President Trump has done business all over the world. Lawyers on both sides knew the investigation was going to take a while at the very beginning. With all the indictments, guilty pleas, and cooperating witnesses, we are close to a conclusion of the investigation. Hold on to you seats, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

The following links access the Constitution in its entirety:






Until the 19th century, men were winning the war and not just the battles. Men treated women like objects and if they were lucky, women were just considered second class citizens. Of course, depending on the country, women were abused physically and sexually in horrible ways. During those thousands of years, a funny thing happened on the way to equality. In the U.S., women got the right to vote, helped us win WWII by helping to make our war machines and run our infrastructure, became politicians, and became productive citizens in all other walks of life. Equality for women was just a matter of time. What we didn’t expect was that there are some women who want revenge for those thousands of years of abuse. Equality wasn’t good enough. Those women want a pound of flesh. As a result, you hear things like, “I don’t need a man”. Really!!! I know you have a great paying job, birth control, in vitro fertilization (man sperm still needed), sex toys, and washing machines, but REALLY!!! There are still a lot of babies being born. I would think that the 9 month siege and the excruciatingly painful breaking out of the vagina by an alien would be a deterrent to having sex with a man. But, some ladies just can’t seem to stop. Besides, it takes two to tango. Even though the gate swings both ways, it usually swings in favor of guys and girls hooking up.

I get it ladies. You suffered terribly, but do you have to go to the dark side. You should take a lesson from people who were slaves and the Indians. During slavery, there were a few slave uprisings. There could have been more. They could have poisoned all the plantation owners but chose not to. Even today, though unarmed black men and women are being assaulted and killed, blacks are not trying to get even. They just want it to stop. The Indians were systematically slaughtered. They are not seeking revenge either. They just build more casinos.

When talking to my lady friends, I don’t hear much about love, companionship, and compassion. I hear about how to manipulate men to get what they want. Some women can’t just say they are not interested in a man, they have to eviscerate him in front of everybody. It’s a blood sport. When talking about dangling sex and leading a man on, my friend said, “If he’s stupid enough to give me stuff, I’m gonna take it”. All this amounts to emotional castration. You are shaping the men of tomorrow and it’s not a pretty picture. Yes, men were brutal for thousands of years, but most men could still fall in love. Think about it, brutal men who have no capacity for love. The way you see and relate to men today is a direct result of how men treated you for thousands of years. Do you want men who are emotionally detached?

 Ladies, it’s not too late. The fate of the world depends on you. You can be bad ass, just don’t be that way 24/7. Here is a clue to help you know when to be tough on a guy. If he treats you like a piece of meat, he doesn’t respect you for who you are, and he is fixated on any part of your anatomy, you have my blessings to eviscerate him. If he is genuinely nice, and not too ugly, give the brother a chance. Just so you know, you are right, all men want just one thing. SEX!!!! You just have to find the guy that also respects you and treats you like an equal. Those guys still exist but are rapidly becoming a dying breed. Those kind of guys will continue to dwindle if you keep eviscerating men. Let’s face it, eviscerated men push Nuclear Buttons!!!!

So who’s winning the battle of the sexes? Right now it’s a photo finish, and the women are winning by a nose. The only reason women get the win is because men just like sex too much. A lot of men are weak minded when it comes to sex, and that’s a woman’s only advantage. Otherwise, men and women need each other equally. BTW guys, don’t let the ladies hold you hostage with sex. Just find someone who appreciates you too. Ladies, you do have a softer side. I know it’s there because you use it to get stupid men to give you stuff. Try using it to attract a decent man and quit going for the “bad boy”. The fate of the world is in your hands!!!!

This Blog is gonna be short, sweet, and to the point. For those of you who trash Obama and give Trump all the credit for our current great Economy, a picture is worth a thousand words:






Bottom line, the numbers don’t lie. Obama has eight years of numbers that prove he rescued our Economy from the mess the Republicans, under Bush, left him. Donald Trump is nothing more than the back-up quarterback to Tom Brady (Obama). The back-up quarterback usually only takes over during the last 2 minutes of the game after Brady (Obama) has already won the game by 50 points. Trump didn’t earn the credit for this great Economy. He had it handed to him on a silver platter by President Obama. Silly Republicans, you believe everything Trump and Hannity say…..SAD!!!!!…..LOL




The word ‘woke’ has several meanings. The most common meaning implies an understanding of issues involving race. I’m using the term in a broader sense to focus on social and political problems and not just race. Overall, ‘woke’ simply means being aware of and understanding your surroundings and environment.

Most of the people I talk to admit they have tuned out the news and don’t talk about race or politics. The problem with that strategy is simple, if you don’t look both ways before you cross the street, you’re gonna eventually get hit by a car. You are admitting that you don’t care about your life or anyone else’s. The things happening around us have consequences , and if we ignore them, eventually something bad is going to happen. Another mistake is to think there is nothing we can do about it. The Constitution of the United States gives us the pathway to do something. We have two choices. We can use our power to vote for change, or we can actually physically overthrow the government if our government strays from its Constitutional obligation. Of course, overthrowing the government is problematic, and it’s definitely not my first choice. Voting makes more sense. And these days, there is less chance of bodily injury or death. It’s a win, win for democracy. Recognizing  our Constitutional power is the first step in being ‘woke’.

Being aware of, and recognizing issues that are problematic to democracy is the next step of being ‘woke’. All politicians tell half truths and seem to be interested in financial gains and maintaining political power. Since the 60’s, the rule of law began to mean something. Civil rights, voting rights, and women’s rights are now guaranteed in the Constitution. LGBT rights and some women’s issues are a work in progress because Republicans are fighting against them. Ironic because Republicans lobby for smaller government, but try to legislate who you can love and what women should do with their own bodies. In the current Trump era, the rule of law has been adulterated. What good is a booming economy if we believe certain things that Donald Trump suggest: Don’t believe any news unless it comes from FOX news or his lips. The Justice Department is rigged and overseeing a witch hunt against him. The FBI is corrupt and acting like storm troopers. Immigrants are at the root of our criminal problems. These Trump statements are seeds that form the foundation of a dictatorship. Our Constitution mandated 3 branches of government, and no single branch has absolute power, but all three are necessary to have a healthy democracy. The Legislative Department (House, Senate) writes the laws.  The Judicial Department (Supreme Court) interprets and rules on laws. The Executive Department (President and Department of Justice; FBI CIA, NSA) appoints personnel to run departments in all branches of Government, signs legislation into law, and oversees law enforcement. News agencies operating under the 1st Amendment report on all branches of Governments. They report what they see and hear, then give their opinion on the impact on society. Of course sometimes their opinion is wrong, but a good news outlet will announce and correct the error. Even so, we are obligated to seek out the truth on our own, that is, be ‘woke’.

Now, let’s all get ‘woke’. First of all Martin Luther King, Jr. had it right. We are to judge people “not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character”. When dealing with your neighbor, a prospective business associate, or someone  who wanted to date your son or daughter, you want to know some common sense basic things. Are they honest, dependable, liars, or dangerous (mentally or physically). Of course there are other litmus tests, but if you can check all these, you basically have a decent human being. If anyone fails all four character test, most people would definitely avoid them in all phases of their lives. If  a President fails all four character test, we must recognize how dangerous this is for democracy.

Let’s see how Donald Trump fails all four of these character test:

  1. Honesty- It’s no secret even before becoming President, Trump stiffed people he owed money to. He didn’t want to reveal his IRS tax forms. His opinions conform to however the current news cycle is trending and he will say whatever makes him look and sound good. He has a disturbing pattern of describing and attacking women based on looks, and although adultery is dishonest, it’s so common, it almost doesn’t qualify. What is disturbing is that he is so rich, adultery is part of his normal routine and he pays people to keep it quiet. If  Senator Franken can resign because of a picture taken of him when he was a comedian, making a gesture of touching the breast of a woman. If that is the standard, then we shouldn’t have a President that bragged on video, “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything….you can grab them by the p#@@y.”  That’s not locker room talk. That’s assault, and men have been fired and gone to jail for less. Trump was rewarded with the Presidency. See what you did Trump voters!!!! Finally, since Trump has chosen Twitter to inform the public because everything is Fake News, we have to examine his claims on Twitter.
  2. Dependable- Trump in action on DACA. This link shows Trump not being able to focus. He obviously is not ready for prime time. In general, Trump was not consistent in paying his bills. It got to the point that most U.S. Banks would not lend him money. Trump had to borrow money from China, buy property via Russia and certain Arab nations. This creates a conflict of interest which may compromise his decisions on behalf of the United States. He did not truly divest himself of his businesses as he promised. Rates to stay at Trump properties were raised. Will he make decisions based on the needs of the American people or his wallet.
  3. Liar- If lying was an Olympic event, Trump would win the GOLD!!!! How can you tell if Donald Trump is lying? Answer, his lips are moving!!!! His very first lie as President, “he had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever”. This was followed closely by “Hilary won the popular vote by 3 million votes because of voter fraud”. This doesn’t even make sense because if 3 million people could illegally vote, the officials that made that happen could  easily have canceled out the approximately 70,000 votes that won Trump the Electoral College. If the election was rigged as he was stating during the primaries, HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT!!!! Trump is such a prolific and pathologic liar, I decided to provide a link to his many WHOPPERS!!!!
  4. Dangerous (mentally and physically)- Donald Trump likely has a Personality Disorder. More specifically, as seen in this link, Borderline Personality Disorder. Trump shows signs of several Personality Disorders. When reading the above link, you will immediately recognize which disorders describe Trump. Personality disorders are actually common. About 1 in 20 people have some type of Personality Disorder. These disorders don’t matter unless it interferes with your daily life, the lives of the  people you come in contact with on a daily basis, or you can’t control the behavior. It’s all about how severe the disorder is. Trump’s disorder must be severe because we are still waiting for Trump to pivot and become more Presidential, but he just can’t control his behavior. While his antics seem comical on a daily basis, as President, things can get real bad real quick. That’s when the poor and middle class citizens have rights and benefits reduced or taken away, not to mention, sending our Armed Service personnel into harm’s way in an unnecessary war. By the way, we don’t know if Trump is physically fit either. Remember when he was slurring his speech? His doctor, Admiral Jackson, did not mention anything about doing an EEG, MRI or CT scan of the brain. I’m a doctor, and for someone who slurs their speech but doesn’t have dentures, doesn’t drink, and has perfect blood tests, not evaluating the brain comes close to malpractice. 

Are you ‘woke’ yet? It’s not about Republican or Democrat, it’s not about political ideology, and it’s not about the haves and have nots. It’s about a severely flawed President, preserving democracy, and avoiding the clear and present danger Donald Trump poses to the world because he is a pathological liar, is narcissistic, is undisciplined, and has no empathy.  If you don’t want to deal with anybody that fails my brief character test, why would you want to keep Trump around. Remember, you can do something. You’ll be up to bat in November 2018, and you can hit a homerun in 2020 if Trump can run for reelection. The goal is to elect any Democrat or Republican that is not Trump or Trump like. I’ve got to tell you, I’m leaning toward voting Democratic. Not because they are far better than the Republicans, but because except for slavery, The Democrats have championed the cause of women, minorities, poor people, and  the LBGT community. Join me and be ‘woke’ in the voting booth. What’s it gonna be, money or people?




Maybe we’ve got this all wrong. It is obvious that President Trump is a pathological liar, has low moral character, is poor Presidential material, is a womanizer, and has shady business dealings. All that was evident when he was running for President. As President, he has proven all of that to be true. In addition to his well documented actions, He is having an unexplained love affair with Russia’s President Putin. The anticipated pivot to being Presidential never happened. The question is, why are most of us willing to tolerate the chaotic actions of  President Trump? The fault is ours, not Trump’s.

Here is my theory. Donald Trump is the problem child of the Republican “family”. Like most families, no matter how bad the problem child is, the family will either think their child is a little angel and something is wrong with everyone else, or they know their child is a little devil, but ignore the problem or feel powerless to stop the bad behavior. No one in their right mind thinks Donald Trump is a little angel. Since Republicans are ignoring the acts of a little devil… rather Satan Incarnate, they are operating with “Eyes Wide Shut”. The rest of us are the “next door neighbors” with “Eyes Wide Shut” . The neighbors just stay out of it until the things that the little devil do affects them like: 1. Trump sowing the seeds of divisiveness, 2. Incessant lying, 3. Insulting our allies and making them nervous because of his obvious knowledge handicap (STUPIDITY), 4. Threats that could lead to nuclear war, 5. Likely conflict of interest with Russian investments, loans, etc., 6. Paying hush money to a pornography star. 7. Trump firing a lot of the “best people” he hand picked while others have resigned like rats leaping off a sinking ship. Can you sense the coming storms? These are not minor infractions that are open to interpretation. These are everyday, in your face, extremely volatile actions that Trump seems to relish, and dares anybody to do anything about. They are also most certainly, acts unbecoming of a sitting President or any normal human being for that matter. So why isn’t there more pressure on Trump to do the right thing or leave?

If someone that obnoxious was visiting your home, you would ask them to leave. Republicans aren’t asking Trump to leave because they are selfishly trying to protect their jobs and money, instead of making National Security their priority. The rest of us are  not pressing Trump to leave because our economy is good now and we are giving Trump the credit. When people have money, they complain less. The problem is, Trump didn’t make this economy. This economy was skillfully and artfully crafted by President Obama. U.S. GDP. Obama’s Economy Summary . The following chart shows economic growth that covers Presidents Bush and Obama’s terms in office:



Some of you may need a short explanation of the charts. The first linked chart shows the percent change of GDP growth by year. Simply stated, was there positive or negative growth in each year and by what percent. The second linked chart is Obama specific and covers his entire term as President. The second chart focuses on GDP, Debt, and Unemployment. The chart above shows that  in 2009, President Obama took over a declining economy (The Recession), from Republican President George Bush. Every year after 2009, there was positive growth through 2017, the year Trump took over as President. Bottom line, Obama inherited a bad economy and made it better, but Trump inherited a good economy and is making it worse.

Lately, because of some bonehead moves by Trump (ie, tariffs on steel, aluminum, and China), the stock market has some major losses and has become erratic. What we have chosen is money over our National Security, ethics, and morals. When money becomes more important than people, we all lose. But it’s not too late. We have the power to vote for positive change. The future is in our hands and not the politicians. So before the Grim Reaper comes to collect, we need to let President Trump know in terms he can understand, “YOU’RE FIRED”!!!! In your heart you know I’m right!!!!




Trump & Seal

This was supposed to be my first Blog after returning to WordPress, but the shootings at a Parkland, FL high school was more important. Here is a link to that Blog. Let’s continue to work for reasonable gun control legislation and a ban on assault weapons.

Now, about President Trump. I’m going to try and be as brief as possible. During President Obama’s term, Republicans deliberately did everything they could to interfere with President Obama’s legislation and success (click this link). As a result, there was an escalation of political chaos and gridlock. There were more Republican filibusters than in the entire history of our government, the Republicans shut down the government twice, and got U.S. credit downgraded. The American people simply got fed up with government. Instead of blaming the Republicans who instigated this political chaotic mess, the blame was placed on the Democrats. This didn’t make sense because all indicators showed a significant improvement over the metrics that the Republicans handed Obama. Here is a video link  outlining President Obama’s accomplishments.

American voters, now fed up and blinded with rage, chose to abandon traditional politicians and try someone with no history of serving as a politician. They had to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Hillary lossed by default, she was a politician. She also shot herself in the foot a few times: 1. She stated she would get rid of coal jobs 2. Had an infamous “What difference does it make” Bengazi comment 3. she didn’t campaign in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin 4. She made poor decisions about emails. The voters ultimately chose Trump, but in doing so, ignored obvious warning signs: 1. He launched his campaign with racist remarks against Mexicans 2. He uses profanity in public 3. He makes insane statements like “he could shoot someone in Time Square and not lose votes” 4. “John McCain is a loser, he got caught” 5. He brags about sexual assaulting women with impunity. 6. He went bankrupt 4 times, one was a Casino. How do you bankrupt a Casino? Both Hillary and Trump were poor candidates for President because of their baggage, but in a case like that, people should always choose the lesser of the two evils. It should be obvious to most, that we chose wrong!!!! Donald Trump is President. Hillary was careless and that allowed Russia to exploit her. Trump entertained Russians secretly in the Oval Office. We only found out because Russia published it. Which is worse?

After just over a year of the Trump Presidency, it’s baffling why he has any support at all. Trump is spawning rapid fire chaos at a rate too numerous to count. Here are the high points: 1. His many lies can easily be highlighted with soundbites and video 2. Many of his handpicked staff who “are the best at what they do”, have no experience at what they are asked to do 3. Many appointees (34%) have been fired by Trump, are under criminal investigation, are wasting government money, or simply quit 4. Many leave because of Russian connections 5. Trump minimizes the importance of the intelligence community, Hispanic Judges, and the news media 6. Trump gives every country grief except Russia, and Russia hacked U.S. political and infrastructure systems.  Yet, Trump has not taken a definitive stand against these actions. My take on Trump and Russia involvement will follow in another Blog. 7.  He changes his mind sometimes hours after he makes a public statement (examples: “I’ll sign any bipartisan DACA legislation”. The next day he didn’t sign. Also, he led people to believe he wanted to raise the age to buy assault weapons. His official plan did not include a provision for this point). 8. Finally, he is named as a Defendant in a legal case that involves a pornography star.

I realize some of you will support Trump no matter what he does or says, but for those of you who are concerned about Trump’s inability to try and unite our country, please pay attention and do more searching for the truth on your own. Don’t rely on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC. There is unbiased information at Politifact,, and (any Federal Government site).gov



Our Politicians should have sprung into action immediately after Columbine in 1999, but they didn’t. There was nationwide moral outrage when children as young as 6 years old were murdered at Sandy Hook in 2012, and still they did nothing. Most recently, students were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in ParklandFlorida, on Wednesday, February 14, 2018. About 122 school murders have occured over the 19 years since Columbine. Today, even though there is more than 90% nationwide support for sensible gun registration laws and the banning of assault weapons, President Trump and Congress are still falling short of those simple, but impactful changes. This is truly Moral Impotence, but more importantly, as our elected leaders, they are sworn to ensure our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When they don’t do everything possible to protect us from threats, foreign and domestic, in the face of clear and present dangers, they are commiting treason by ignoring their mandate given by the Constitution of the United State’s Declaration of Independence.

Politicians and many Republican voters argue that it is their right to own guns, and they are right. Guns are necessary for protection, to hunt, and recreation. Nobody wants to take guns used for these purposes. Assault rifles like the AR-15 are weapons of war and have no business being in the hands of the average citizen. It fires a high velocity round that is more lethal than a low velocity firearm, even if they inflict the exact same wound.  Another argument is that if strong gun laws are passed, it won’t stop  people who are determined to kill. Once again they are right, but stricter gun laws will reduce the amount of deaths caused by guns. The person determined to kill, will kill fewer people with a hand gun or hunting rifle than if he were firing an AR-15. So the goal of stricter gun laws is to reduce the loss of life and not take 2nd amendment rights. Any regulation is for our protection. Since more Airline inspections were mandated, there have been fewer deaths from Airline crashes. Seatbelts and airbags have reduced automobile deaths. Many cities have cleaner air because of regulation and that decreases healthcare disease and deaths. We have to choose. Do we protect your right to own an AR-15 that has no practical use for the average citizen, or protect the right of a child to live. I’m going to get out of my comfort zone for a moment. So, Politicians and Citizens, if you choose your right to own an AR-15 over the right of a child to live, you are an enemy of the state, morally bankrupt, a cold, heartless bastard, and a DUMB ASS!!!!


I had a short absence after the second Obama election. After all, the economy was recovering nicely and all was well. All that changed with the election of Donald Trump. There has been nothing but lies, chaos, and division since his election. My new political Blogs are going to explore the various aspects of Trump’s ascent to power and current politics. Don’t worry, I’m still going to make it lighthearted most of the time. I’m also going to have some Blogs and links just for fun. I may scold some folks occasionally, but honestly, I’m just trying to stop the madness. My first Blog will explain why Trump was elected. Subsequent Blogs regarding Trump may be too intense for immature audiences…….LOL

So sit back and enjoy, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.




Some blogs are simply timeless….LOL


These days everyone is talking about Benghazi, the IRS, the AP scandal, and most recently the Government Shutdown. But I’m going to focus everyone on the most heinous, calculating, diabolical, criminal, and immoral scandal ever. This scandal started about 2008 when Barack Obama began his run for the Presidency, worsened in 2010 with a Republican House Majority, and is festering before our very eyes right now with this recent talk of President Obama lying about the Affordable Care Act. It is destroying the lives of millions of Americans and causing thousands, if not tens of thousands to die. The sad thing is that all this could be avoided with the stroke of a pen. Yes, it’s our Congressmen and Senators in Washington D.C. who are deliberately refusing to pass a Jobs Bill with total disregard for what it’s doing to the American Economy or the mental and physical toll it’s taking on the American…

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