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Right off the bat, I agree with Colin’s right to protest and the reason he was protesting. I don’t agree with his choice of where and when he protested (During the National Anthem). Having said that, the men and women who fought and died to protect our freedoms, did so to secure those freedoms. They did not put themselves in harms way or die to protect our flag. Among those freedoms, the Constitution gives us the right to freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble (protest). Colin’s choice of where and when to protest is also protected. For those of you who are outraged by Colin protesting during the National  Anthem, ask yourself this, if you saw someone on the street desecrating our flag or our National Anthem, would you risk your life to stop them? I wouldn’t try to stop them because our Constitution gives them the right to do so. After all, it’s just a piece of cloth. Our freedom is much more. Freedom is precious and is the life blood of our democracy. You can’t touch freedom, but without it, democracy cannot exist. Democracy will still survive if we run out of flags.

Many people are losing sight of the big picture. Colin was protesting the murder of unarmed men, women, and children of color by certain policemen who shouldn’t qualify as dogcatchers. It was Trump that said Colin was protesting the flag. That was just another of his many lies. Honestly, I don’t know why anyone is still taking him seriously. Ask yourself, what should bring the biggest outrage, desecrating the flag and National Anthem, or murdering innocent people? Colin never said all cops are pigs, and he never said anything to desecrate or diminish the importance of our flag. NIKE understands which is more important. They recognized that Colin sacrificed his career to bring attention to this horrible blight on our country. If you are still more outraged by someone desecrating the flag than the murder of innocent people, your outrage is severely misplaced. A single human being’s life will always be more sacred than an idea or a piece of cloth. Please reconsider your priorities of what is truly important.