Donald Trump became President of the United States for 2 reasons. First, he had star power because of his show The Apprentice. People that watched that show perceived him as extremely wealthy and thought he could likely manage money well. The second reason was because there was gridlock during the 8 years of Obama’s administration. Most of the gridlock was initiated by the Republicans. Instead of turning to the Democrats, the people were so frustrated, they wanted somebody who was not a politician and who knew something about money, to become President. Trump had both of those boxes checked. Hillary Clinton didn’t stand a chance. Despite having those 2 boxes checked, Trump had no political experience but he was an excellent liar and con man. He used those two highly developed skills to tell the people what they wanted to hear, and they believed him. But, having no experience made absolutely no sense. Would you want your auto mechanic, your doctor, your contractor, your airline pilot to work for you or on you, knowing they have no experience. Of course not!!!!! Trump was the only President with absolutely no political experience, unless you count George Washington. At least he commanded armies for years.

Donald Trump had 4 years to become more Presidential. That’s what Republican voters and legislators expected would happen. Trump could not be Presidential if he called  women “horse face”, he had sex with a porn star and paid her not to tell anyone when he ran for President, he thinks some Nazi’s and KKK are “good people”, he publicly used profanity, he said “I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and people would still vote for me”, he encouraged his supporters at his rallies to attack peaceful protestors and he would pay their legal fees, he disrespected the Military by saying Senator John McCain, a POW, was not a hero because he was caught, and he ripped children away from their mothers at the southern border. These are some of Trump’s greatest hits. There are many others too numerous to mention here, but the worst is the treasonous statement he made in Helsinki while standing next to President Putin. He said he believed Putin instead of American Intelligence Agencies regarding Russian meddling in our 2016 elections. Trump resisted placing sanctions on the Russians until political pressure was applied. That’s TREASON!!!! VERY UNPRESIDENTIAL. Republican legislators have done nothing about overt treason, and that makes them traitors too. If you vote for Republicans, you are supporting a traitorous administration. You would think that treason is the worst, but he did worse on January 6, 2021. Donald Trump incited a riot to overturn an election. He initially went through all the proper channels claiming voter fraud. The lower courts, the Attorney General, the U.S. Cyber Security Department, many Republican run election commissions, and finally the Supreme Court determined there was no election fraud. Even after all that, Trump still stated that he won the majority of the votes. He then pointed his supporters, like a missile, to the US Capital on January 6, where they vandalized and desecrated it. They killed a Capital police officer and tried to capture or kill legislators. Treason and inciting a riot are very bad, but his impotent response to Covid–19 led to the deaths of over 500,000 Americans. Yes, Trump is a murderer.

Trump gets credit for things he had nothing to do with. He took credit for Obama’s great economy. He takes credit for appointing Supreme Court Justices that Mitch McConnell arranged by preventing Obama from naming a Justice during his last year as President, and rushing the Cavenaugh nomination. Despite having Republican majorities in the House and the Senate (They didn’t need a single Democrat vote), Trump’s day 1 promise to repeal and replace Obama Care and building a wall on the Southern border did not get done. Republicans thought taking children from their mothers was a great way to slow illegal immigration. Under Trump they removed regulations that protect the environment, offer consumer protections, reduce the chance of nuclear war, and prevent bank and corporations from getting us into another Recession. Republicans added laws that makes voting harder and downgraded the voting rights act in the Supreme Court. They blatantly ignored the rule of law and allowed Trump to do anything he wished.

During the Obama administration, Republicans started the chaos and gridlock in Washington by going on record to do everything possible to make Obama a one term President, shut down the government twice, and refused to raise the debt ceiling causing U.S. credit to be downgraded. They tried to use extortion to get Obama to repeal Obamacare or they would shut down the government. They wanted to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security. Bottom line, Republicans have never cared about the working man. They are a one trick pony. Cut taxes for the the wealthy and corporations, give them tax breaks, and the money will trickle down to the people that need it. That policy has never worked and never will work, because that just becomes more money for them to keep.

Can you see a pattern here? Republicans don’t know how to govern, and now after 4 years, the American people said enough is enough. But wait, Trump, the Republicans on Capitol Hill, and 74 million Republican voters, don’t believe in majority rule as promised in the Constitution. Instead, it’s easier for them to believe that the approximately 5 million votes that gave Joe Biden the majority was voter fraud. They chose to believe 1 man, Donald Trump, the biggest liar on this planet. Even after Republican Governors, Election Commissioners, Senators, and Congressmen have accepted the results, and not a single major court case  made it past even the Conservative Judges appointed by Trump.  Trump Lawyers simply couldn’t produce any significant proof of fraud. 

There may become a time when Republicans may be trustworthy again, but Donald Trump should never again be allowed anywhere near our seat of government. His Legacy will forever be that he murdered 100s of thousands of Americans.

May our Constitution, our Democracy, and the Rule of Law guide our political leaders. God be with us all, and God bless the United States of America.

President Trump has been downplaying the severity of the COVID-19 virus for months. He was even mocking Joe Biden for wearing a mask even though the experts stated that the simple act of wearing a mask could reduce the chance of getting the virus. The bottom line is, President Trump could have probably avoided his exposure. I do hope he does not get seriously ill, but he does have significant risk factors regarding age and being over weight.

This one event sums up who President Trump is and how his reelection is truly a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER for the United States and the Constitution. Trump is simply a con artist, liar, and an unempathetic self serving ego maniac who suffers from delusions of grandeur. During the first debate, Trump was clearly out of control. He was like a rabid dog, attacking Joe Biden and Chris Wallace, the moderator of the debate. Between his debate performance and him being positive for Covid-19, you simply can’t trust anything he says and now you know he can wildly lose control of his emotions. Chris Wallace had to constantly remind him to allow him to ask his questions and allow Joe Biden to answer his questions without interruptions. Imagine Trump going into a blind rage during a nuclear crisis. If he can do that on a debate stage, he can certainly do that on the world stage.

The question is, did you listen to Trump or the science and medical experts regarding the virus. Trump said the virus was not a big deal, but the experts said take simple precautions like wear a mask. So who did you listen to? Now ask yourself, do you have family or friends who got sick or died? If you listened to Trump, you backed the wrong horse and the chickens have come home to roost. This sums up the Trump Presidency. I hope these recent events will guide you to make the best decision you can possibly make in the voting booth. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

For years, Republicans have been telling Americans that they are the party of fiscal responsibility. They’ve been promoting Trickle Down economics, by catering to corporate America, keeping the deficit low,  and tax cuts for Americans. During that same time, they have been trying to limit government programs that help people with food, healthcare, increased wages, and educational cost. Their approach is working for the rich. Corporate profits are high as are the salaries of corporate executives. Rich individuals are happy with Trumps tax bill. Trump even said, “Congratulations, you all just go a lot richer“. The only problem is, none of that money Trickled Down. The middle class and poor did not see a significant increase in wages, jobs, or healthcare. They never have and never will with Republicans in control of the economy. The following graphs expose the Republican perennial lies.


The Numbers simply don’t lie. They clearly show that Republicans handle the economy much worse than Democrats. When comparing almost all metrics, they lose to Democrats almost every time. Republicans are making it difficult to get a decent wage, a decent job, try to deny you social services that provide food, child services, and healthcare, and keep trying to gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. As you can see by the numbers, they preside over deficits and recessions more often than Democrats. The stock market doesn’t do as well under Republicans. So if Republicans have a bad record on the economy, bad on jobs and unemployment, and bad on social issues, why would you vote Republican? What have the Republicans done for you, ever? Better yet, what have the policies of President Trump done for you over the past 3 1/2 years? I’ll bet if you don’t have money in the stock market or have a retirement plan, you’re going to be hard pressed to come up with something positive. If you can think of something, let me know by leaving a comment.


Our Politicians should have sprung into action immediately after Columbine in 1999, but they didn’t. There was nationwide moral outrage when children as young as 6 years old were murdered at Sandy Hook in 2012, and still they did nothing. Most recently, students were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in ParklandFlorida, on Wednesday, February 14, 2018. About 122 school murders have occured over the 19 years since Columbine. Today, even though there is more than 90% nationwide support for sensible gun registration laws and the banning of assault weapons, President Trump and Congress are still falling short of those simple, but impactful changes. This is truly Moral Impotence, but more importantly, as our elected leaders, they are sworn to ensure our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When they don’t do everything possible to protect us from threats, foreign and domestic, in the face of clear and present dangers, they are commiting treason by ignoring their mandate given by the Constitution of the United State’s Declaration of Independence.

Politicians and many Republican voters argue that it is their right to own guns, and they are right. Guns are necessary for protection, to hunt, and recreation. Nobody wants to take guns used for these purposes. Assault rifles like the AR-15 are weapons of war and have no business being in the hands of the average citizen. It fires a high velocity round that is more lethal than a low velocity firearm, even if they inflict the exact same wound.  Another argument is that if strong gun laws are passed, it won’t stop  people who are determined to kill. Once again they are right, but stricter gun laws will reduce the amount of deaths caused by guns. The person determined to kill, will kill fewer people with a hand gun or hunting rifle than if he were firing an AR-15. So the goal of stricter gun laws is to reduce the loss of life and not take 2nd amendment rights. Any regulation is for our protection. Since more Airline inspections were mandated, there have been fewer deaths from Airline crashes. Seatbelts and airbags have reduced automobile deaths. Many cities have cleaner air because of regulation and that decreases healthcare disease and deaths. We have to choose. Do we protect your right to own an AR-15 that has no practical use for the average citizen, or protect the right of a child to live. I’m going to get out of my comfort zone for a moment. So, Politicians and Citizens, if you choose your right to own an AR-15 over the right of a child to live, you are an enemy of the state, morally bankrupt, a cold, heartless bastard, and a DUMB ASS!!!!

These days everyone is talking about Benghazi, the IRS, the AP scandal, and most recently the Government Shutdown. But I’m going to focus everyone on the most heinous, calculating, diabolical, criminal, and immoral scandal ever. This scandal started about 2008 when Barack Obama began his run for the Presidency, worsened in 2010 with a Republican House Majority, and is festering before our very eyes right now with this recent talk of President Obama lying about the Affordable Care Act. It is destroying the lives of millions of Americans and causing thousands, if not tens of thousands to die. The sad thing is that all this could be avoided with the stroke of a pen. Yes, it’s our Congressmen and Senators in Washington D.C. who are deliberately refusing to pass a Jobs Bill with total disregard for what it’s doing to the American Economy or the mental and physical toll it’s taking on the American people. How can Congress be so callous and indifferent?

The origins are clear. U.S. lawmakers have always had differences, but now their disputes have risen to Hatfield and McCoy levels. Battlegrounds were drawn shortly after President Obama was elected. Here is a video of Mitch McConnell giving Republicans their marching orders:

The result of these orders was a level of obstruction and filibuster never before seen in American politics. Here is some filibuster history:

Everything President Obama proposed Republicans were against. When President Obama agreed with Republicans, they changed their position and now were against. President Obama sent a Jobs Bill to the U.S. House of Representatives and Republicans never put it on the floor of the House for a vote. They instead voted 35+ times to Repeal Obamacare knowing that Obama would veto it if it reached his desk. Republicans won the House in 2010 on their platform of creating jobs. To date, they have not produced a Jobs Bill. Democrats are not completely innocent, but when they stand their ground, it’s usually for something that’s good for all Americans. Things like, everybody pay their fair share, don’t cut Medicare, or let’s create jobs. For Republicans it’s simple, if it helps Obama, they are against it.  Since Republicans couldn’t prevent President Obama’s reelection, they now simply want to smear his legacy with talks of scandal. Democratic motivation is, what’s best for the country and Republican motivation is HATE. There is no other explanation. Republicans hate President Obama so much they are deliberately willing to sabotage the American Economy and destroy the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans just to make Obama fail. This is criminal and immoral.

Americans working is the only stimulus the economy needs now. It’s a miracle the economy is doing as well as it is in light of serious obstruction by Republicans against Obama. Yet, here is a short list of what President Obama accomplished despite all that obstruction: The Unemployment rate is 7.5%, the Stock Market is over 15,000, children with pre-existing conditions have health insurance, women get equal pay, Gays have the right to marry in many states, people get help with their mortgages, and the American auto industry is alive and well. Click here to see what happened during Obama’s 1st 4 years:

Despite all this, Republicans are still saying how bad the economy is and how President Obama is the worst President ever. Really? Can anyone say George W. Bush?

Let’s summarize why Republican obstruction is the worst scandal of all time.  Republicans are deliberately and with malice obstructing a Jobs Bill. Without people working, less money is pumped back into the economy, slowing economic recovery. When people lose their jobs, they lose healthcare insurance. When household incomes are stressed, people wait until the last moment to seek medical help. That help is usually in the form of an Emergency Room visit which is the most expensive healthcare available. This puts an enormous burden on the economy for America. For the patients, if they are lucky they will get a bill they can’t pay. The unlucky ones die because they waited too late to go to the ER. Death comes in other forms too like, suicide, crime, and accidents of all kinds because of neglected repairs like fixing bad brakes on cars. Americans are needlessly dying every day because Congress is too busy playing politics. The following link shows a strong association with Unemployment and death.

So you decide America. Which is worse?

  1. Obama covering up Benghazi to assure his reelection.
  2. The IRS making it harder to get tax free status for Tea Party organizations.
  3. The CIA and or the White House bullying the AP to temporarily hold a story.
  4. Republicans deliberately not voting on President Obama’s Jobs Bill and not creating one of their own resulting in thousands of deaths.

If you picked either of the first three over number 4, then you are cold, callous, calculating and hateful just like Republican members of Congress. Because you can think about the suffering and deaths of millions of Americans with indifference, you are also evil. For those of you who are religious, you know what that means to you.

For those of you who truly see that Unemployment, in the face of deliberate Republican inactivity and obstruction, is the worst scandal ever and  Lawmakers must be held accountable.  If you also believe it is the most important issue facing America now, please read my Petition. If you agree with my suggestions on how to nudge the Congress to pass a Jobs Bill, please sign my Petition and don’t stop there.  Ask your family and friends to sign too.  Just click this link:

It is by our will, that the American people can get the jobs we desperately need.  When we get enough signatures, I will personally see that Congress gets the message. Thank you in advance for helping to get America back to work.


Anthony Cammack

P.S. Please forgive the length of this blog, but I hope you will agree that this is important.