Tag Archive: Jobs

For years, Republicans have been telling Americans that they are the party of fiscal responsibility. They’ve been promoting Trickle Down economics, by catering to corporate America, keeping the deficit low,  and tax cuts for Americans. During that same time, they have been trying to limit government programs that help people with food, healthcare, increased wages, and educational cost. Their approach is working for the rich. Corporate profits are high as are the salaries of corporate executives. Rich individuals are happy with Trumps tax bill. Trump even said, “Congratulations, you all just go a lot richer“. The only problem is, none of that money Trickled Down. The middle class and poor did not see a significant increase in wages, jobs, or healthcare. They never have and never will with Republicans in control of the economy. The following graphs expose the Republican perennial lies.


The Numbers simply don’t lie. They clearly show that Republicans handle the economy much worse than Democrats. When comparing almost all metrics, they lose to Democrats almost every time. Republicans are making it difficult to get a decent wage, a decent job, try to deny you social services that provide food, child services, and healthcare, and keep trying to gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. As you can see by the numbers, they preside over deficits and recessions more often than Democrats. The stock market doesn’t do as well under Republicans. So if Republicans have a bad record on the economy, bad on jobs and unemployment, and bad on social issues, why would you vote Republican? What have the Republicans done for you, ever? Better yet, what have the policies of President Trump done for you over the past 3 1/2 years? I’ll bet if you don’t have money in the stock market or have a retirement plan, you’re going to be hard pressed to come up with something positive. If you can think of something, let me know by leaving a comment.


It’s been almost 2 years. If you’re not rich, What has Donald Trump done for you? Republicans control the House, Senate, and the Presidency.  Did they: Repeal & Replace Obamacare with something better….NO.  Build a wall and make Mexico pay….NO. Pass a Jobs Bill….NO.  Do you have a better job or better paying job….NO.  Pass an Infrastructure Bill….NO. Raise the Minimum Wage….NO. After 2 years and full control of the Government, Republicans should have passed something just for the middle class and the poor. Republicans did get 2 Supreme Court Justices, Pass a Trillion dollar plus tax Bill, Got a Nuclear Treaty with North Korea, Broke Nuclear Treaties with Iran & Russia,  Imposed tariffs that will raise consumer prices, Got a Muslim ban, Removed regulations that protect the environment & consumers, Took children from their mothers and put them in cages, are trying to break up the European Union, NATO, and the U.N. Oh yes, just last week, Passed a Prison Reform Bill. Just in time for the results of the Mueller findings. None of the things Republicans got done were directed at the middle class and the poor except the Prison Reform Bill. Trump did not put you guys first. He did nothing for you directly at all during the first two years. Are you tired of winning yet?

Trump’s incessant lying, name calling, and cozying up to Putin is unbecoming of the U. S. President. Republican legislators do nothing to place checks on Trump even when he chooses to believe Putin over U. S. Intelligence  Agencies (TREASON)!!!! Trump is doing a lot, but nothing for you. After 2 years of nothing for you, if you are still supporting Trump and Republicans, you are either: 1. Die Hard Republicans who are hard wired to vote Republican, no matter what, 2. Brainwashed, 3. Stupid, or 4. Racist. Trump voters, which group are you in? It’s not about loyalty to Party, it’s about loyalty to the United States of America.

Here are 2 links that show Democrat and Republican legislation since WWII. After viewing the legislation, Democrats clearly are trying to help as many people as possible, and Republicans are clearly helping the rich. There are also 2 links that shows which Party handles the Economy best overall:

1.  Democrat legislation.

2. Republican legislation.

3. Which Party handles the economy best overall?

4. The Economy By the numbers.

Since you read all this, and if you’re not rich, but you still think Republicans are looking out for you, the average man……. “Here’s your sign”!!!! Just keep on winning back to the Stone Age!!!!!!!



Maybe we’ve got this all wrong. It is obvious that President Trump is a pathological liar, has low moral character, is poor Presidential material, is a womanizer, and has shady business dealings. All that was evident when he was running for President. As President, he has proven all of that to be true. In addition to his well documented actions, He is having an unexplained love affair with Russia’s President Putin. The anticipated pivot to being Presidential never happened. The question is, why are most of us willing to tolerate the chaotic actions of  President Trump? The fault is ours, not Trump’s.

Here is my theory. Donald Trump is the problem child of the Republican “family”. Like most families, no matter how bad the problem child is, the family will either think their child is a little angel and something is wrong with everyone else, or they know their child is a little devil, but ignore the problem or feel powerless to stop the bad behavior. No one in their right mind thinks Donald Trump is a little angel. Since Republicans are ignoring the acts of a little devil… rather Satan Incarnate, they are operating with “Eyes Wide Shut”. The rest of us are the “next door neighbors” with “Eyes Wide Shut” . The neighbors just stay out of it until the things that the little devil do affects them like: 1. Trump sowing the seeds of divisiveness, 2. Incessant lying, 3. Insulting our allies and making them nervous because of his obvious knowledge handicap (STUPIDITY), 4. Threats that could lead to nuclear war, 5. Likely conflict of interest with Russian investments, loans, etc., 6. Paying hush money to a pornography star. 7. Trump firing a lot of the “best people” he hand picked while others have resigned like rats leaping off a sinking ship. Can you sense the coming storms? These are not minor infractions that are open to interpretation. These are everyday, in your face, extremely volatile actions that Trump seems to relish, and dares anybody to do anything about. They are also most certainly, acts unbecoming of a sitting President or any normal human being for that matter. So why isn’t there more pressure on Trump to do the right thing or leave?

If someone that obnoxious was visiting your home, you would ask them to leave. Republicans aren’t asking Trump to leave because they are selfishly trying to protect their jobs and money, instead of making National Security their priority. The rest of us are  not pressing Trump to leave because our economy is good now and we are giving Trump the credit. When people have money, they complain less. The problem is, Trump didn’t make this economy. This economy was skillfully and artfully crafted by President Obama. U.S. GDP. Obama’s Economy Summary . The following chart shows economic growth that covers Presidents Bush and Obama’s terms in office:



Some of you may need a short explanation of the charts. The first linked chart shows the percent change of GDP growth by year. Simply stated, was there positive or negative growth in each year and by what percent. The second linked chart is Obama specific and covers his entire term as President. The second chart focuses on GDP, Debt, and Unemployment. The chart above shows that  in 2009, President Obama took over a declining economy (The Recession), from Republican President George Bush. Every year after 2009, there was positive growth through 2017, the year Trump took over as President. Bottom line, Obama inherited a bad economy and made it better, but Trump inherited a good economy and is making it worse.

Lately, because of some bonehead moves by Trump (ie, tariffs on steel, aluminum, and China), the stock market has some major losses and has become erratic. What we have chosen is money over our National Security, ethics, and morals. When money becomes more important than people, we all lose. But it’s not too late. We have the power to vote for positive change. The future is in our hands and not the politicians. So before the Grim Reaper comes to collect, we need to let President Trump know in terms he can understand, “YOU’RE FIRED”!!!! In your heart you know I’m right!!!!



In this 2016 Presidential election, I feel the need to say a few words of wisdom. Ok folks, let’s calm down and get it together. Just remember that our country guarantees the right to protest peacefully at political rallies, but interfering with that peaceful protest is illegal. Don’t spit on protesters or hit them in the face when they are not expecting it. Not so peaceful political rally. We are guaranteed the right to vote, but voting is much like drinking alcohol, if you are going to do it, it should be done responsibly. Don’t vote for a political party just because your great grandfather was a member of that party. If a party filibusters as often as a 2 year-old having a temper tantrum, or shuts down the government just because they don’t like proposed legislation, if they don’t try to help facilitate implementing and paying for a healthcare system that would save millions of lives, if they want to cut your nanna’s Medicare and Social Security, and if a party disrespects a sitting President for almost 8 years and ultimately saying he can’t exercise his constitutionally given right to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, then voting for that party is irresponsible and it’s not good for America. A party like that is in total chaos. A party like that probably doesn’t even like their own Presidential candidates.

There is another way of voting irresponsibly and it’s called not voting at all. The rationale is that all politicians are liars and thieves and I’m not going to waste my vote. That statement is about 90% fact (and I’m being generous). The irony is, by not voting, you did waste your vote. If you didn’t like some of the scenarios mentioned above, then you should vote for the opposition party. In other words, vote for the lesser of the two evils. I’ll make it simple for you. First vote for what you think is best for God. Because most of you don’t have a strong bond with the Big Guy anyway, this won’t influence the vote that much. Next vote for what’s best for America. You know, investing in jobs, new technology, clean air and water, Defense (within reason), and American manufacturing. Finally vote for what’s important to you. Do you need a job or just an increase in minimum wage? Do you need help with getting or paying for health insurance for your family? Do you need to make sure that when you get nanna’s age there will be enough money for your golden years? If you need any of those things, then vote for the party that will give you the best chance of achieving those goals. Good luck America, if you vote irresponsibly, we’re going to need it.

My name is Anthony Cammack, and I approve this message.

These days everyone is talking about Benghazi, the IRS, the AP scandal, and most recently the Government Shutdown. But I’m going to focus everyone on the most heinous, calculating, diabolical, criminal, and immoral scandal ever. This scandal started about 2008 when Barack Obama began his run for the Presidency, worsened in 2010 with a Republican House Majority, and is festering before our very eyes right now with this recent talk of President Obama lying about the Affordable Care Act. It is destroying the lives of millions of Americans and causing thousands, if not tens of thousands to die. The sad thing is that all this could be avoided with the stroke of a pen. Yes, it’s our Congressmen and Senators in Washington D.C. who are deliberately refusing to pass a Jobs Bill with total disregard for what it’s doing to the American Economy or the mental and physical toll it’s taking on the American people. How can Congress be so callous and indifferent?

The origins are clear. U.S. lawmakers have always had differences, but now their disputes have risen to Hatfield and McCoy levels. Battlegrounds were drawn shortly after President Obama was elected. Here is a video of Mitch McConnell giving Republicans their marching orders:

The result of these orders was a level of obstruction and filibuster never before seen in American politics. Here is some filibuster history:


Everything President Obama proposed Republicans were against. When President Obama agreed with Republicans, they changed their position and now were against. President Obama sent a Jobs Bill to the U.S. House of Representatives and Republicans never put it on the floor of the House for a vote. They instead voted 35+ times to Repeal Obamacare knowing that Obama would veto it if it reached his desk. Republicans won the House in 2010 on their platform of creating jobs. To date, they have not produced a Jobs Bill. Democrats are not completely innocent, but when they stand their ground, it’s usually for something that’s good for all Americans. Things like, everybody pay their fair share, don’t cut Medicare, or let’s create jobs. For Republicans it’s simple, if it helps Obama, they are against it.  Since Republicans couldn’t prevent President Obama’s reelection, they now simply want to smear his legacy with talks of scandal. Democratic motivation is, what’s best for the country and Republican motivation is HATE. There is no other explanation. Republicans hate President Obama so much they are deliberately willing to sabotage the American Economy and destroy the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans just to make Obama fail. This is criminal and immoral.

Americans working is the only stimulus the economy needs now. It’s a miracle the economy is doing as well as it is in light of serious obstruction by Republicans against Obama. Yet, here is a short list of what President Obama accomplished despite all that obstruction: The Unemployment rate is 7.5%, the Stock Market is over 15,000, children with pre-existing conditions have health insurance, women get equal pay, Gays have the right to marry in many states, people get help with their mortgages, and the American auto industry is alive and well. Click here to see what happened during Obama’s 1st 4 years:

Despite all this, Republicans are still saying how bad the economy is and how President Obama is the worst President ever. Really? Can anyone say George W. Bush?

Let’s summarize why Republican obstruction is the worst scandal of all time.  Republicans are deliberately and with malice obstructing a Jobs Bill. Without people working, less money is pumped back into the economy, slowing economic recovery. When people lose their jobs, they lose healthcare insurance. When household incomes are stressed, people wait until the last moment to seek medical help. That help is usually in the form of an Emergency Room visit which is the most expensive healthcare available. This puts an enormous burden on the economy for America. For the patients, if they are lucky they will get a bill they can’t pay. The unlucky ones die because they waited too late to go to the ER. Death comes in other forms too like, suicide, crime, and accidents of all kinds because of neglected repairs like fixing bad brakes on cars. Americans are needlessly dying every day because Congress is too busy playing politics. The following link shows a strong association with Unemployment and death.


So you decide America. Which is worse?

  1. Obama covering up Benghazi to assure his reelection.
  2. The IRS making it harder to get tax free status for Tea Party organizations.
  3. The CIA and or the White House bullying the AP to temporarily hold a story.
  4. Republicans deliberately not voting on President Obama’s Jobs Bill and not creating one of their own resulting in thousands of deaths.

If you picked either of the first three over number 4, then you are cold, callous, calculating and hateful just like Republican members of Congress. Because you can think about the suffering and deaths of millions of Americans with indifference, you are also evil. For those of you who are religious, you know what that means to you.

For those of you who truly see that Unemployment, in the face of deliberate Republican inactivity and obstruction, is the worst scandal ever and  Lawmakers must be held accountable.  If you also believe it is the most important issue facing America now, please read my Petition. If you agree with my suggestions on how to nudge the Congress to pass a Jobs Bill, please sign my Petition and don’t stop there.  Ask your family and friends to sign too.  Just click this link:


It is by our will, that the American people can get the jobs we desperately need.  When we get enough signatures, I will personally see that Congress gets the message. Thank you in advance for helping to get America back to work.


Anthony Cammack

P.S. Please forgive the length of this blog, but I hope you will agree that this is important.