It’s been almost 2 years. If you’re not rich, What has Donald Trump done for you? Republicans control the House, Senate, and the Presidency.  Did they: Repeal & Replace Obamacare with something better….NO.  Build a wall and make Mexico pay….NO. Pass a Jobs Bill….NO.  Do you have a better job or better paying job….NO.  Pass an Infrastructure Bill….NO. Raise the Minimum Wage….NO. After 2 years and full control of the Government, Republicans should have passed something just for the middle class and the poor. Republicans did get 2 Supreme Court Justices, Pass a Trillion dollar plus tax Bill, Got a Nuclear Treaty with North Korea, Broke Nuclear Treaties with Iran & Russia,  Imposed tariffs that will raise consumer prices, Got a Muslim ban, Removed regulations that protect the environment & consumers, Took children from their mothers and put them in cages, are trying to break up the European Union, NATO, and the U.N. Oh yes, just last week, Passed a Prison Reform Bill. Just in time for the results of the Mueller findings. None of the things Republicans got done were directed at the middle class and the poor except the Prison Reform Bill. Trump did not put you guys first. He did nothing for you directly at all during the first two years. Are you tired of winning yet?

Trump’s incessant lying, name calling, and cozying up to Putin is unbecoming of the U. S. President. Republican legislators do nothing to place checks on Trump even when he chooses to believe Putin over U. S. Intelligence  Agencies (TREASON)!!!! Trump is doing a lot, but nothing for you. After 2 years of nothing for you, if you are still supporting Trump and Republicans, you are either: 1. Die Hard Republicans who are hard wired to vote Republican, no matter what, 2. Brainwashed, 3. Stupid, or 4. Racist. Trump voters, which group are you in? It’s not about loyalty to Party, it’s about loyalty to the United States of America.

Here are 2 links that show Democrat and Republican legislation since WWII. After viewing the legislation, Democrats clearly are trying to help as many people as possible, and Republicans are clearly helping the rich. There are also 2 links that shows which Party handles the Economy best overall:

1.  Democrat legislation.

2. Republican legislation.

3. Which Party handles the economy best overall?

4. The Economy By the numbers.

Since you read all this, and if you’re not rich, but you still think Republicans are looking out for you, the average man……. “Here’s your sign”!!!! Just keep on winning back to the Stone Age!!!!!!!