Category: CONGRESS


Donald Trump is a Dictator wanna be who is in a position to make good on his wish by dividing instead of uniting the great citizens of the U.S. He already has his base ignoring his criminal, immoral, and treasonous behavior. They don’t care about his incessant pathological lying, and has them believing that he is the only one telling the truth. He has weakened their faith in our Intelligence Agencies, Justice System, Legislative Branch of Government, and all news media except FOX News. He is fanning the fires of racism. Finally, he is destroying the essence of the Constitution of the United States by ignoring the rule of law and running our great nation with knee-jerk responses instead of careful thought. Trump’s followers stick with him because he is bold, unapologetic, cusses like them, and thinks of women like they are pieces of meat. And yes, there must be a few women that like being thought of in that way. How else do you explain Women For Trump t-shirts? If anybody but Trump grabbed them by the vagina, the guy doing the grabbing would be going to jail.

Now the question is, how do you prevent a dictator from rising to power? Congress must enact laws to protect the American people against lies, deceit, and foreign interference as follows:

A candidate for President must be disqualified if found to be deliberately lying to the electorate, giving misleading information about their platform, or engaging with members of a foreign government within 5 years before and during the campaign for President. Once a candidate is nominated for President by their Party, the Federal Government must vet the nominee. If the nominee does not pass the vet, the runner up must now be vetted, and so on. Adultry with a Porn star when you are married, while immoral, is not illegal or a problem, but paying to keep it quiet so you can become President is a felony. You go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Once a President is seated, he is sworn to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. If he deliberately fails to do his duty on any or all levels, he is in violation of the Constitution. In that scenario, the Constitution mandates that he be Impeached. Trump in currently in violation of the Constitution by ignoring the rule of law, obstructing justice, and ignoring subpoenas. The Legislative Branch of Government has oversight over the President’s Branch of Government. This oversight is mandated by the Constitution. The House of Representatives is also ignoring the rule of law by not initiating impeachment. They are “weighing their political options”. In other words, they are trying to keep their jobs and win the Presidency in 2020. The Constitution did not say, don’t impeach if you may lose your job or an election. None of that will matter if we lose our Democracy, empathy, and morality as a nation. If they don’t stop Trump now, they are sending the message that future Presidents can run the country the same way he is doing.  We now live in a country where lying is the norm, our allies are treated with disrespect, our enemies are our best friends, racism is just a nuisance, and Trump is the only one to be trusted. Really!!!! 1. Trump lies on camera all the time. How many times have you seen him lie with a straight face on camera? 2. Did you see him agree with Putin over the CIA about Russian interference with our 2016 elections? 3. How many times did he alienate our allies on camera? 4, How much more air, water, and land pollution can we tolerate? The Paris Climate Accords may have been unfair to the U.S., but who cares about fairness if you can’t breathe the air, drink the water, or grow crops. Still no replacement plan. 5. Trump makes racist tweets and comments. 6. A sampling of Trump ignoring the Rule of Law.

The above six items can only lead to a divided people, chaotic government, and moral decay which ultimately leads to the loss of our freedoms and the fall of our civilization. Is a booming economy, rich people getting richer,  Conservative Judges on the Supreme court, Immigrant bans, and making our new allies Communists worth the destruction of our system of Government and the loss of our freedoms?Republicans don’t want you to vote for Democrats because they are Socialist leaning. Democrats may be leaning toward Socialism, but the Republican President is openly embracing Communist leaders. What’s wrong with this picture? Socialism is an ideal that suggest that all Citizens benefit and contribute equally in the society. Communism is an organization that forces the will of a few over all the Citizens. Neither choice is ideal, but if you had to pick one, Socialism is better than Communism. Of course, we have the best system and it’s called Democracy. Let’s keep it. You know what to do in 2020!!!!

Trump thinks Immigration is a National Emergency and wants his wall built because immigrants murder Americans when they cross the border, have drugs pouring into the U.S., and terrorist and gang members  are among them. Trump blames the Democrats for currently blocking a wall budget, but Republicans really don’t  want a wall because:

  1. For the past 2 years, Republicans had total control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency.  They did not need a single Democratic vote, but did not budget any money to build a wall.

  2. Trump was recorded saying he accepts the responsibility for shutting down the government and won’t blame the Democrats. Of course he changed his mind and now he blames the Democrats for the Government shutdown. 

  3. Even though the Democratic House and Republican Senate passed similar Bills to fund the Government, Trump refused to sign the bills after listening to FOX pundits.

The National Emergency can’t be Americans being murdered by immigrants, because immigrants are not murdering our school children (some as young as 6 years old) , killing 58 and wounding 500+ people in Las Vegas, or committing serial killings all over the country. That would be White American men mostly. When you add Women, Black, and Hispanic Americans who also kill, far more Americans are being murdered by American Citizens. That’s the National Emergency. Trump and the Republicans barely made a whisper about Americans killing each other, especially when it involved gun violence. Shame on the Republican politicians and voters who look the other way.

Yes lots of drugs are flowing through our Southern Border, but the immigrants are not forcing Americans to take those drugs. Even if there was a wall, Americans that want to abuse drugs or other substances would find a way. Nothing will stop them. Remember Prohibition, glue sniffing, and more recently Cheese (Black Tar Heroin, Tylenol PM, and Xanax), Crunk (Soda, Cough Syrup, and Prescription pain killers), Bath Salts, Hand Sanitizer, and Wasping (Insecticide). The last 4 are homemade, no border necessary).

Gangs are a big problem, but it’s mostly American Gangs. Gangs crossing the Southern Border represent only a small percent of the illegal aliens. This U.S. Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) link itemizes the different gangs they apprehend. The MS-13 gang represents just over 370 arrest in 2018. Trump said that number was in the thousands. Three hundred is hardly a National Emergency.

Finally, what about terrorist crossing the Southern Border? Again the Republicans lied and said the number was in the thousands. For 2018, it was only 6. Again, no emergency.

Republicans can’t govern even with majorities in the House, Senate, and the Presidency. So why should we trust them now that they lost the House of Representatives. They are very good at misdirection, half-truths, and lying. And of course, they have the liar in chief, President Trump. You don’t have to believe that Trump is colluding with Russia or obstructing the Russian investigation to know that he is dirty. There are too many people around Trump who resign or are fired because of misappropriating Federal funds, are indicted and  plead guilty to felonies, and are sentenced to prison terms. Trump hand picked most of those people. There is no way he could surround himself with that many dirty people and he does not get dirty. Of course, Trump has to be dirty too. Even  5 year olds know if people around them are bad. I think Trump picked those dirty people so he could control them when he started doing his dirty deeds, and Trump is using the immigrants to deflect the spotlight off of himself.  Donald, there is nowhere to hide now. Do yourself a favor and resign. What was I thinking? You can’t resign because, as an unindicted co conspirator in a felony, you will go to jail as Michael Cohen’s cellmate.  I’d stay President as long as I could too. Good luck with that.



It’s been almost 2 years. If you’re not rich, What has Donald Trump done for you? Republicans control the House, Senate, and the Presidency.  Did they: Repeal & Replace Obamacare with something better….NO.  Build a wall and make Mexico pay….NO. Pass a Jobs Bill….NO.  Do you have a better job or better paying job….NO.  Pass an Infrastructure Bill….NO. Raise the Minimum Wage….NO. After 2 years and full control of the Government, Republicans should have passed something just for the middle class and the poor. Republicans did get 2 Supreme Court Justices, Pass a Trillion dollar plus tax Bill, Got a Nuclear Treaty with North Korea, Broke Nuclear Treaties with Iran & Russia,  Imposed tariffs that will raise consumer prices, Got a Muslim ban, Removed regulations that protect the environment & consumers, Took children from their mothers and put them in cages, are trying to break up the European Union, NATO, and the U.N. Oh yes, just last week, Passed a Prison Reform Bill. Just in time for the results of the Mueller findings. None of the things Republicans got done were directed at the middle class and the poor except the Prison Reform Bill. Trump did not put you guys first. He did nothing for you directly at all during the first two years. Are you tired of winning yet?

Trump’s incessant lying, name calling, and cozying up to Putin is unbecoming of the U. S. President. Republican legislators do nothing to place checks on Trump even when he chooses to believe Putin over U. S. Intelligence  Agencies (TREASON)!!!! Trump is doing a lot, but nothing for you. After 2 years of nothing for you, if you are still supporting Trump and Republicans, you are either: 1. Die Hard Republicans who are hard wired to vote Republican, no matter what, 2. Brainwashed, 3. Stupid, or 4. Racist. Trump voters, which group are you in? It’s not about loyalty to Party, it’s about loyalty to the United States of America.

Here are 2 links that show Democrat and Republican legislation since WWII. After viewing the legislation, Democrats clearly are trying to help as many people as possible, and Republicans are clearly helping the rich. There are also 2 links that shows which Party handles the Economy best overall:

1.  Democrat legislation.

2. Republican legislation.

3. Which Party handles the economy best overall?

4. The Economy By the numbers.

Since you read all this, and if you’re not rich, but you still think Republicans are looking out for you, the average man……. “Here’s your sign”!!!! Just keep on winning back to the Stone Age!!!!!!!


Remember this guy. America was quieter and safer then.  He wasn’t perfect, but he was competent, he had compassion, empathy, and didn’t lie much.  Those were the days!!!!

Let’s review. President Bush put our economy in the worst recession since the great depression by starting a war, giving tax cuts to the rich, and allowing unchecked Congressional spending. Those actions lead to millions of jobs lost with high unemployment, failing financial institutions worldwide, a depressed housing market, millions of people on food stamps, and the deaths of American servicemen. On FOX News, Hannity blames President Obama. After Obama’s first year in office, all those negative numbers started to improve, and continued to improve until President Trump took over. When Trump took over, on day one, he took credit for the strong economy and the low unemployment rate. How could he take credit for something on day one. These graphs clearly show Obama did all the work necessary to turn the economy around.





On Inauguration day, Trump was too busy lying about how big his Inauguration crowd was, and has been lying to us every since.

All Republicans are lying to you.  Mitch McConnell stated the deficit is so high that there will have to be cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. He forgot to tell you the $trillion+ tax cut to the rich and the massive military spending Republicans just passed,  produced the high deficit. McConnell said Obama couldn’t pick a Supreme Court Justice in an election year, but rushed Judge Cavanaugh through in this election year. Trump is sounding an alarm because of 5-7,000 Refugees coming from the South. He’s worried about an increase in crime, drugs, and gangs. He doesn’t tell you the majority of those refugees are women and children and ICE crime statistics (see Table 2), show that immigrants have a relatively low impact on crime compared to FBI crime statistics. Just compare these two data bases and you will clearly see we have more to be concerned about U.S. criminals than illegal aliens. Republicans are in full control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. They don’t need a single Democrat vote, but still can’t get any major legislation passed that will help working people. No Jobs Bill, no increase in minimum wage, no meaningful tax cuts for the middle class, no Infrastructure Bill. They have spent the last 8 years trying to take away your healthcare, telling women what they can do with their own bodies, ignoring the school shooting deaths of our children, telling you who you should love, and doing the bidding of Corporate America. Can you see the pattern here? Republicans simply don’t tell the whole truth and even tell lies to advance their agenda. They don’t know how to govern. Here is how legislation went during Obama’s and Trump’s first 100 days.

Hannity is right about the numbers, but he lied about whose fault it is. Republicans got us into the economic mess. He also leaves out the fact that Obama led us to almost complete economic recovery. Here is Rachel Maddow’s assessment of President Obama’s tenure. The difference between her account and Hannity’s account is that the numbers support her account.

Here is President Obama reminding us of the facts. Here are resources where you can check the facts:  A simple chartUSA.GOV,, enlightened Republicans.


You don’t have to know a person completely to get a sense of whether you can trust them or not. Initially, you use your observation to make your decision. If a person is clearly exaggerating their importance, lying, mocking a person’s religion, and demeaning people based on race, most people would not want to associate with that person. Further, if that same person was sympathetic to world leaders who have horrible records with respect to human rights, eliminates all independent news sources, discourages free speech, and imprison or murders political opponents, you would call that person a dictator. Donald Trump wants to imprison and mute anyone who has a different view from his. As for the other traits mentioned, Trump does all of them on a daily basis except murder.

So if you aren’t willing to hang around the guy next door who has those bad character traits, why would you want to keep Donald Trump around? Also, why would you want to keep his best people around either. In less than two years, a lot of Trump’s “best people” have either quit, been fired, indicted for crimes and lying, plead guilty to crimes, and have been sent to jail. There are simply too many people that fall under these bad character traits. A list which includes most of the House and Senate Republicans. Those politicians are doing nothing to prevent Trump from deconstructing our Democracy. Now if all those people around Trump are of dubious character, Trump is either turning a blind eye to them, or he is complicit with their behavior, and may be orchestrating that behavior.

Trump and the Republican Party consistently ignore the rule of law by allowing Congress to enable Trump to keep his businesses intact, refuses to release Trump’s taxes, and taking children from their mothers at the southern border. They have removed consumer protections which now allow banks to resume their predatory lending habits for homes, credit cards, personal loans, and online universities.  Environment regulations are being systematically removed  which makes it easier for corporations to pollute our air, water, and land just so they could increase their profit margins. With regard to foreign policy, Republicans are calling NATO obsolete, pulling out of the Paris Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Agreement, and belittling our allies in Canada, Germany, and the UK etc., the net effect is to destabilize world governments which makes the path to war more likely.

Republican voters, you have to realize that yes, you are getting some of the things you voted for, but at what price? At what point do the negative things your party is obviously doing out weigh the positive things. What will you do if we lose freedom of the press, free speech, we have a polluted environment, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to get bigger, and we are plunged into another war because our natural alliances have been weakened if we are alone in the world. Is a booming economy for the rich, worth the weakening of our Democracy? How much better is your life and financial status than it was two years ago before Trump took office? If you can’t see a significant difference in your life now, then your vote didn’t make America great again, it made the rich richer again. So FOCUS!!!! If your life is not significantly better than 2 years ago, and you’d rather have a strong Democracy than a booming economy, then you must vote Republicans out of office in November. You can say a lot about Democrats, but they are truly concerned about the equality of every American. For Democrats, people are more important than money. They haven’t promoted fiscal responsibility as much as Republicans, but Obama did much better with the economy than Bush. After Obama fixed Bush’s mess, Trump just took over an economy that was on cruise control. Trump said the economy is booming because of him alone. Really? That’s his biggest lie. If you want to put your faith in Trump, a man who lies everyday, then you are truly brainwashed. Our country deserves better. Vote Democratic in November.