Tag Archive: ETHICS

In some of my past blogs, I have tried to give Republicans facts, I’ve tried to shame them by calling them stupid, I’ve made fun of them, and I tried to shine light on their God Donald Trump. Are you interested only in money? Why do you tolerate Nazi’s, KKK, and white supremacists in your party? And there is complete disregard of facts and truth, the complete acceptance of conspiracy theories and lies. Are you really so hateful, or are you really just clueless. Here is a video that shows how you change reality to fit your view.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. If the DEEP STATE and the Democrats were powerful enough to steal the 2020 Presidential election causing Donald Trump to lose, why did he win in 2016? The DEEP STATE and Democrats didn’t want him then either, so that should prove that’s just how people VOTED.
  2. Why do you still believe the lie that Trump won the 2020 election? No one has produced significant evidence of voter fraud, and Trump went to 60 courts to plead his case and could not produce any evidence of voter fraud. Trump either lost those cases or the cases were dismissed for lack of evidence. The courts is how we settle disputes in America, but that’s not good enough for you now. So the DEEP STATE with Republican judges are against Trump too?
  3. After the lie about voter fraud, why do you believe anything that Trump says. Here is Trump and his comments on the 5th Amendment. He is against the 5th Amendment. Now he’s for the 5th Amendment now that he is in legal trouble. Trump’s Liar Palooza. Please click on all 3 of these videos.
  4. Before Trump became President, here are somethings that were public records: Trump had 6 bankruptcies, his airline company, his water company, his clothing company, and his casino businesses FAILED!!!! So why did you still think he was a great businessman?
  5. Here are a few comments from some of my Republican friends before Trump was elected: Anybody but Hillary, Trump will become Presidential, He says what’s on his mind, He speaks to the common man. Did any of those things work out? Hillary now looks good in comparison, President Trump threw paper towels to the people in Puerta Rico after a devastating hurricane, he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and wouldn’t lose any votes (who says stuff like that? it’s insane. He said he was joking and the crowd laughed, but he didn’t laugh. Would you really vote for a MURDERER?), he spoke to the common man, and those common men broke into the United States Capital in Washington, D.C., damaged offices, stole artifacts, defecated inside, sought to kidnap members of Congress, and shouted to hang Vice President Mike Pence. Trumps rhetoric has divided this country to near Civil War. Ok you gun loving nut bags, admit it, if someone was breaking into and entering your house, would you shoot them? Of course you would. So was it a peaceful protest or an insurrection? After watching this video, How can you say it was a peaceful protest. People were horribly injured, and some were killed that day. There is nothing peaceful about violent death. All of this is a result of the vicious words, blatant lies, and dereliction of duty by President Trump. He should have addressed the mob immediately to urge them to stop the violence and go home. Once they left the Capital, he should have denounced their actions and said something to heal the nation.
  6. Why do Republicans seem to settle disputes with violence? Since they never offer solutions to the problems they blame Democrats for, violence is their preferred method for change. Yes you have doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientist, and mathematicians, and a host of other very smart people, but what you lack is common sense. Just review my first video link. Stop making up conspiracy theories when your understanding of the truth doesn’t make sense to you, or you don’t accept the truth.

My Blog is called Voice of Reason because I present simple facts and video that clearly demonstrate the truth. It’s not what I believe, it’s the truth. When you look at the insurrection video, the majority of the people are white, there are confederate flags, Nazi’s, white supremacist, and just regular good old boys. If you think and act like those people, you should be ashamed of yourself. You don’t love your country, your neighbor, or yourself. My take on it is white people are crazy. If you consider yourself Christian, you have got to know you are probably going to hell unless you change the way you think, because Jesus talked about love your neighbor, help the needy and poor, and the love of money is the root of all evil, he that is without guilt cast the first stone. If you participated in the insurrection or you think the insurrection was justified, you were not in line with Jesus’s teachings.

All I’m really asking you to do is, instead of automatically rejecting things you don’t agree with, do your own research. Google is still and excellent source for facts and yes, so are the .gov sites. I know you don’t trust the government, so why did you trust Donald Trump (click the liar palooza video above). Here are a few more facts about the Trump President’s term: He didn’t build the wall, Mexico didn’t pay for it, there was a trillion dollar deficit and Trump cut taxes and the deficit grew to 6 trillion dollars at the end of his 4 years. Obama’s deficit was 6 trillion dollars at the end of 8 years, Trump had Russians in the oval office without an English interpreter, He believed Putin instead of his own intelligence agencies, he admitted to favoring red states over blue states, and his rhetoric pitted different groups of Americans against each other, got no infrastructure bill, didn’t stop the drug crisis, and didn’t do anything about mass shootings. I could go on, but I think you may finally get the picture. With all that has happened since Trump became President, He said “I alone can fix it”, very little of anything that he promised was done. He was truly a man of all talk and no action. How is that possible for a man that knows more about everything. So you may ask, what is the Republicans plan to lower the deficit, they either offer no plan, or they want to cut budgets that help the elderly and the poor. Really, you’re willing to ride with those guys? Oh yeah, one final thing, some of you refused to vote for Hillary or Trump, for those of you who could have held their nose and voted for Hillary, she would have become President. That’s the only statement I can’t prove.

We live in a great country where we have a Constitution to help guide us on the right way to govern securely and peacefully. The 1st, 2nd,13th,15th, and 19th Amendments are rock star clauses in the Constitution. Despite that excellent guidance, Americans seem to have lost their common sense and appear to do whatever they want. They completely ignore facts and believe what they are told on social media and the lies politicians are telling them. The biggest liar of course is Donald Trump. Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election and he objected to the results by saying he won that election with more votes, and the reason he lost was voter fraud. Trump did the right thing by litigating his position. After all, courts are the most trusted way to settle disputes. All that is required is proof of evidence supporting Trump’s position. Trump’s arguments were dismissed in about 60 lower courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. Most were dismissed because Trump’s legal team could not produce any evidence to support his position. There were at least 8 Trump-appointed Judges that made the decision to dismiss Trump’s argument. In addition to the court decisions, former Attorney General Bill Barr, The Cyber Security Chief, Republican Election Commissioners in disputed states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, FOX News, and other news reporting agencies all agree that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Still, Trump insists that he won that election and lost because there was voter fraud. Trump simply could not present a shred of evidence to support his position. HE HAS NO PROOF! Instead, he instigated a riot in the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. A Congressional hearing is revealing proof of Trump’s orchestration of that riot. Notice that most of the above sources are prominent Republicans that were initially strong Trump supporters. Over time, they realized that Trump would never become more Presidential and he is indeed dangerous for America.

If Trump is lying about the Presidential election, what else has he lied to you about? Common sense says you can’t trust a liar. Since Republican Legislators go along with Trump, you can’t trust them either. After all, Republicans don’t denounce the KKK, Nazi’s, or white supremacists. They should be kicked out of the Republican party, and let them start their own Political Party. Do you really want to be a member of a Party that tolerates that kind of people. Republican rallies are lily white and Democrat rallies have racial diversity. America is racially diverse and that diversity is what makes this country great.

All Politicians lie, but Republicans told the biggest lie with absolutely no proof and nearly destroyed Democracy in America. They also put children in cages, shut down the Government, downgraded the U.S. credit rating, removed a woman’s right to choose her right to manage her health care (Roe v Wade), legislated who you can love (anti-LGBTQ legislation), and ignore regulations to help control climate change. Another Republican flaw is that because they don’t believe available facts, they invent conspiracy theories. Just remember, theories by definition, have not been proven. Finally, because Republicans downplayed how serious COVID Virus was by delaying vaccine development, promoting the use of worthless vaccine treatments, and discouraged mask usage, over a million people have died in the United States. Our country’s short-term memory, or habitually voting along party lines, cannot be an excuse to vote for a Party with the above things as part of their legacy. Sometimes I feel that people who can vote for such a party are evil. They may not be evil, but they are certainly willfully stupid.

The following are links to a couple of my previous blogs that give additional facts, video, and commentary. Please click all the associated links:

We need to give the Republican Party a chance to regroup. They can become a viable party without the baggage eventually. The 2022 midterm election just isn’t the time. Consider voting for Democrats or Independents. But no matter how you vote, remember the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States is the standard by which we are best governed. Representative Liz Cheney, the cochairman of the January 6 Hearings, summarized the Hearing findings and how important Democracy is. Deviation from that guideline will destroy our Democracy. So may God continue to bless you and the United States of America.

I’ve been saying in my Blog that Trump is dangerous for America and American Democracy for the past 3 years. Finally, there are high ranking officials in Trump’s Administration (General Mark Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff & Mark Esper Defense Secretary)  and previous Presidential Administrations that agree. Most of these officials are Generals and Admirals. They have an unwritten code to not make negative comments about a past or sitting President. Many of them broke that code when President Trump used force to break up a peaceful protest so he could have a photo op in Lafayette Square. This shows Trump’s ignorance of the Constitution of the United States, his poor judgement, his lack of mature leadership, his poor understanding of the American people and society, and his blatant rejection of the rule of law. If you don’t agree with or understand these basic strengths relating to the Constitution, then you are the anarchist and traitor to the United States of America and not the protesters.


You don’t have to know a person completely to get a sense of whether you can trust them or not. Initially, you use your observation to make your decision. If a person is clearly exaggerating their importance, lying, mocking a person’s religion, and demeaning people based on race, most people would not want to associate with that person. Further, if that same person was sympathetic to world leaders who have horrible records with respect to human rights, eliminates all independent news sources, discourages free speech, and imprison or murders political opponents, you would call that person a dictator. Donald Trump wants to imprison and mute anyone who has a different view from his. As for the other traits mentioned, Trump does all of them on a daily basis except murder.

So if you aren’t willing to hang around the guy next door who has those bad character traits, why would you want to keep Donald Trump around? Also, why would you want to keep his best people around either. In less than two years, a lot of Trump’s “best people” have either quit, been fired, indicted for crimes and lying, plead guilty to crimes, and have been sent to jail. There are simply too many people that fall under these bad character traits. A list which includes most of the House and Senate Republicans. Those politicians are doing nothing to prevent Trump from deconstructing our Democracy. Now if all those people around Trump are of dubious character, Trump is either turning a blind eye to them, or he is complicit with their behavior, and may be orchestrating that behavior.

Trump and the Republican Party consistently ignore the rule of law by allowing Congress to enable Trump to keep his businesses intact, refuses to release Trump’s taxes, and taking children from their mothers at the southern border. They have removed consumer protections which now allow banks to resume their predatory lending habits for homes, credit cards, personal loans, and online universities.  Environment regulations are being systematically removed  which makes it easier for corporations to pollute our air, water, and land just so they could increase their profit margins. With regard to foreign policy, Republicans are calling NATO obsolete, pulling out of the Paris Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Agreement, and belittling our allies in Canada, Germany, and the UK etc., the net effect is to destabilize world governments which makes the path to war more likely.

Republican voters, you have to realize that yes, you are getting some of the things you voted for, but at what price? At what point do the negative things your party is obviously doing out weigh the positive things. What will you do if we lose freedom of the press, free speech, we have a polluted environment, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to get bigger, and we are plunged into another war because our natural alliances have been weakened if we are alone in the world. Is a booming economy for the rich, worth the weakening of our Democracy? How much better is your life and financial status than it was two years ago before Trump took office? If you can’t see a significant difference in your life now, then your vote didn’t make America great again, it made the rich richer again. So FOCUS!!!! If your life is not significantly better than 2 years ago, and you’d rather have a strong Democracy than a booming economy, then you must vote Republicans out of office in November. You can say a lot about Democrats, but they are truly concerned about the equality of every American. For Democrats, people are more important than money. They haven’t promoted fiscal responsibility as much as Republicans, but Obama did much better with the economy than Bush. After Obama fixed Bush’s mess, Trump just took over an economy that was on cruise control. Trump said the economy is booming because of him alone. Really? That’s his biggest lie. If you want to put your faith in Trump, a man who lies everyday, then you are truly brainwashed. Our country deserves better. Vote Democratic in November.



The Declaration of Independence

This means something. No one man can diminish it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

These words found in the Declaration of Independence didn’t say all men except the President are equal. The President is equal under the Constitution of the United States. The following excerpts of the Constitution clearly state this:



The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.


The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

There is considerable debate about what laws, if broken by the President, can he be Impeached for. It’s very simple. The President can be Impeached for any law he breaks that is a Misdemeanor or greater. Some examples are: Obstruction of justice, lying if under oath, violation of campaign finance laws, treason by inadequately defending the Constitution (Russia interfered with our Democracy and Trump did nothing initially), making money because you are President (Emoluments Clause), bribery, income tax evasion, etc. Trump could possibly be guilty of any or all of these laws. I believe if Trump is going to be Impeached, it will be related to his business dealings (money deals or taxes) or obstruction of justice relating to his dealings with Russia. I agree with Trump, proving collusion is less likely.

Now let’s assume the President is Impeached. According to Article 1 Section 3, he can only be discharged from office. Once he is removed from office though, he is no longer the President, and can now be tried in a state or local court of law, convicted, then punished according to the law. This point is clearly stated. I don’t know why lawmakers on the left and the right are confused about this point. Just because these issues don’t have precedence, doesn’t change the words in the Constitution. Everyone is simply overthinking things.

The bottom line is, no one knows what evidence the Special Prosecutor has, but the Constitution guarantees that President Trump is innocent until proven guilty. But make no mistake about it, President Trump is not above the law. We simply must wait until the investigation is over and, if necessary, have an Impeachment hearing. Prosecutors must take a sufficient amount of time to build a case, and even for us lowly civilians, it can sometimes take a long time. Imagine how large this investigation is. President Trump has done business all over the world. Lawyers on both sides knew the investigation was going to take a while at the very beginning. With all the indictments, guilty pleas, and cooperating witnesses, we are close to a conclusion of the investigation. Hold on to you seats, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

The following links access the Constitution in its entirety:






Until the 19th century, men were winning the war and not just the battles. Men treated women like objects and if they were lucky, women were just considered second class citizens. Of course, depending on the country, women were abused physically and sexually in horrible ways. During those thousands of years, a funny thing happened on the way to equality. In the U.S., women got the right to vote, helped us win WWII by helping to make our war machines and run our infrastructure, became politicians, and became productive citizens in all other walks of life. Equality for women was just a matter of time. What we didn’t expect was that there are some women who want revenge for those thousands of years of abuse. Equality wasn’t good enough. Those women want a pound of flesh. As a result, you hear things like, “I don’t need a man”. Really!!! I know you have a great paying job, birth control, in vitro fertilization (man sperm still needed), sex toys, and washing machines, but REALLY!!! There are still a lot of babies being born. I would think that the 9 month siege and the excruciatingly painful breaking out of the vagina by an alien would be a deterrent to having sex with a man. But, some ladies just can’t seem to stop. Besides, it takes two to tango. Even though the gate swings both ways, it usually swings in favor of guys and girls hooking up.

I get it ladies. You suffered terribly, but do you have to go to the dark side. You should take a lesson from people who were slaves and the Indians. During slavery, there were a few slave uprisings. There could have been more. They could have poisoned all the plantation owners but chose not to. Even today, though unarmed black men and women are being assaulted and killed, blacks are not trying to get even. They just want it to stop. The Indians were systematically slaughtered. They are not seeking revenge either. They just build more casinos.

When talking to my lady friends, I don’t hear much about love, companionship, and compassion. I hear about how to manipulate men to get what they want. Some women can’t just say they are not interested in a man, they have to eviscerate him in front of everybody. It’s a blood sport. When talking about dangling sex and leading a man on, my friend said, “If he’s stupid enough to give me stuff, I’m gonna take it”. All this amounts to emotional castration. You are shaping the men of tomorrow and it’s not a pretty picture. Yes, men were brutal for thousands of years, but most men could still fall in love. Think about it, brutal men who have no capacity for love. The way you see and relate to men today is a direct result of how men treated you for thousands of years. Do you want men who are emotionally detached?

 Ladies, it’s not too late. The fate of the world depends on you. You can be bad ass, just don’t be that way 24/7. Here is a clue to help you know when to be tough on a guy. If he treats you like a piece of meat, he doesn’t respect you for who you are, and he is fixated on any part of your anatomy, you have my blessings to eviscerate him. If he is genuinely nice, and not too ugly, give the brother a chance. Just so you know, you are right, all men want just one thing. SEX!!!! You just have to find the guy that also respects you and treats you like an equal. Those guys still exist but are rapidly becoming a dying breed. Those kind of guys will continue to dwindle if you keep eviscerating men. Let’s face it, eviscerated men push Nuclear Buttons!!!!

So who’s winning the battle of the sexes? Right now it’s a photo finish, and the women are winning by a nose. The only reason women get the win is because men just like sex too much. A lot of men are weak minded when it comes to sex, and that’s a woman’s only advantage. Otherwise, men and women need each other equally. BTW guys, don’t let the ladies hold you hostage with sex. Just find someone who appreciates you too. Ladies, you do have a softer side. I know it’s there because you use it to get stupid men to give you stuff. Try using it to attract a decent man and quit going for the “bad boy”. The fate of the world is in your hands!!!!




The word ‘woke’ has several meanings. The most common meaning implies an understanding of issues involving race. I’m using the term in a broader sense to focus on social and political problems and not just race. Overall, ‘woke’ simply means being aware of and understanding your surroundings and environment.

Most of the people I talk to admit they have tuned out the news and don’t talk about race or politics. The problem with that strategy is simple, if you don’t look both ways before you cross the street, you’re gonna eventually get hit by a car. You are admitting that you don’t care about your life or anyone else’s. The things happening around us have consequences , and if we ignore them, eventually something bad is going to happen. Another mistake is to think there is nothing we can do about it. The Constitution of the United States gives us the pathway to do something. We have two choices. We can use our power to vote for change, or we can actually physically overthrow the government if our government strays from its Constitutional obligation. Of course, overthrowing the government is problematic, and it’s definitely not my first choice. Voting makes more sense. And these days, there is less chance of bodily injury or death. It’s a win, win for democracy. Recognizing  our Constitutional power is the first step in being ‘woke’.

Being aware of, and recognizing issues that are problematic to democracy is the next step of being ‘woke’. All politicians tell half truths and seem to be interested in financial gains and maintaining political power. Since the 60’s, the rule of law began to mean something. Civil rights, voting rights, and women’s rights are now guaranteed in the Constitution. LGBT rights and some women’s issues are a work in progress because Republicans are fighting against them. Ironic because Republicans lobby for smaller government, but try to legislate who you can love and what women should do with their own bodies. In the current Trump era, the rule of law has been adulterated. What good is a booming economy if we believe certain things that Donald Trump suggest: Don’t believe any news unless it comes from FOX news or his lips. The Justice Department is rigged and overseeing a witch hunt against him. The FBI is corrupt and acting like storm troopers. Immigrants are at the root of our criminal problems. These Trump statements are seeds that form the foundation of a dictatorship. Our Constitution mandated 3 branches of government, and no single branch has absolute power, but all three are necessary to have a healthy democracy. The Legislative Department (House, Senate) writes the laws.  The Judicial Department (Supreme Court) interprets and rules on laws. The Executive Department (President and Department of Justice; FBI CIA, NSA) appoints personnel to run departments in all branches of Government, signs legislation into law, and oversees law enforcement. News agencies operating under the 1st Amendment report on all branches of Governments. They report what they see and hear, then give their opinion on the impact on society. Of course sometimes their opinion is wrong, but a good news outlet will announce and correct the error. Even so, we are obligated to seek out the truth on our own, that is, be ‘woke’.

Now, let’s all get ‘woke’. First of all Martin Luther King, Jr. had it right. We are to judge people “not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character”. When dealing with your neighbor, a prospective business associate, or someone  who wanted to date your son or daughter, you want to know some common sense basic things. Are they honest, dependable, liars, or dangerous (mentally or physically). Of course there are other litmus tests, but if you can check all these, you basically have a decent human being. If anyone fails all four character test, most people would definitely avoid them in all phases of their lives. If  a President fails all four character test, we must recognize how dangerous this is for democracy.

Let’s see how Donald Trump fails all four of these character test:

  1. Honesty- It’s no secret even before becoming President, Trump stiffed people he owed money to. He didn’t want to reveal his IRS tax forms. His opinions conform to however the current news cycle is trending and he will say whatever makes him look and sound good. He has a disturbing pattern of describing and attacking women based on looks, and although adultery is dishonest, it’s so common, it almost doesn’t qualify. What is disturbing is that he is so rich, adultery is part of his normal routine and he pays people to keep it quiet. If  Senator Franken can resign because of a picture taken of him when he was a comedian, making a gesture of touching the breast of a woman. If that is the standard, then we shouldn’t have a President that bragged on video, “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything….you can grab them by the p#@@y.”  That’s not locker room talk. That’s assault, and men have been fired and gone to jail for less. Trump was rewarded with the Presidency. See what you did Trump voters!!!! Finally, since Trump has chosen Twitter to inform the public because everything is Fake News, we have to examine his claims on Twitter.
  2. Dependable- Trump in action on DACA. This link shows Trump not being able to focus. He obviously is not ready for prime time. In general, Trump was not consistent in paying his bills. It got to the point that most U.S. Banks would not lend him money. Trump had to borrow money from China, buy property via Russia and certain Arab nations. This creates a conflict of interest which may compromise his decisions on behalf of the United States. He did not truly divest himself of his businesses as he promised. Rates to stay at Trump properties were raised. Will he make decisions based on the needs of the American people or his wallet.
  3. Liar- If lying was an Olympic event, Trump would win the GOLD!!!! How can you tell if Donald Trump is lying? Answer, his lips are moving!!!! His very first lie as President, “he had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever”. This was followed closely by “Hilary won the popular vote by 3 million votes because of voter fraud”. This doesn’t even make sense because if 3 million people could illegally vote, the officials that made that happen could  easily have canceled out the approximately 70,000 votes that won Trump the Electoral College. If the election was rigged as he was stating during the primaries, HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT!!!! Trump is such a prolific and pathologic liar, I decided to provide a link to his many WHOPPERS!!!!
  4. Dangerous (mentally and physically)- Donald Trump likely has a Personality Disorder. More specifically, as seen in this link, Borderline Personality Disorder. Trump shows signs of several Personality Disorders. When reading the above link, you will immediately recognize which disorders describe Trump. Personality disorders are actually common. About 1 in 20 people have some type of Personality Disorder. These disorders don’t matter unless it interferes with your daily life, the lives of the  people you come in contact with on a daily basis, or you can’t control the behavior. It’s all about how severe the disorder is. Trump’s disorder must be severe because we are still waiting for Trump to pivot and become more Presidential, but he just can’t control his behavior. While his antics seem comical on a daily basis, as President, things can get real bad real quick. That’s when the poor and middle class citizens have rights and benefits reduced or taken away, not to mention, sending our Armed Service personnel into harm’s way in an unnecessary war. By the way, we don’t know if Trump is physically fit either. Remember when he was slurring his speech? His doctor, Admiral Jackson, did not mention anything about doing an EEG, MRI or CT scan of the brain. I’m a doctor, and for someone who slurs their speech but doesn’t have dentures, doesn’t drink, and has perfect blood tests, not evaluating the brain comes close to malpractice. 

Are you ‘woke’ yet? It’s not about Republican or Democrat, it’s not about political ideology, and it’s not about the haves and have nots. It’s about a severely flawed President, preserving democracy, and avoiding the clear and present danger Donald Trump poses to the world because he is a pathological liar, is narcissistic, is undisciplined, and has no empathy.  If you don’t want to deal with anybody that fails my brief character test, why would you want to keep Trump around. Remember, you can do something. You’ll be up to bat in November 2018, and you can hit a homerun in 2020 if Trump can run for reelection. The goal is to elect any Democrat or Republican that is not Trump or Trump like. I’ve got to tell you, I’m leaning toward voting Democratic. Not because they are far better than the Republicans, but because except for slavery, The Democrats have championed the cause of women, minorities, poor people, and  the LBGT community. Join me and be ‘woke’ in the voting booth. What’s it gonna be, money or people?




Maybe we’ve got this all wrong. It is obvious that President Trump is a pathological liar, has low moral character, is poor Presidential material, is a womanizer, and has shady business dealings. All that was evident when he was running for President. As President, he has proven all of that to be true. In addition to his well documented actions, He is having an unexplained love affair with Russia’s President Putin. The anticipated pivot to being Presidential never happened. The question is, why are most of us willing to tolerate the chaotic actions of  President Trump? The fault is ours, not Trump’s.

Here is my theory. Donald Trump is the problem child of the Republican “family”. Like most families, no matter how bad the problem child is, the family will either think their child is a little angel and something is wrong with everyone else, or they know their child is a little devil, but ignore the problem or feel powerless to stop the bad behavior. No one in their right mind thinks Donald Trump is a little angel. Since Republicans are ignoring the acts of a little devil… rather Satan Incarnate, they are operating with “Eyes Wide Shut”. The rest of us are the “next door neighbors” with “Eyes Wide Shut” . The neighbors just stay out of it until the things that the little devil do affects them like: 1. Trump sowing the seeds of divisiveness, 2. Incessant lying, 3. Insulting our allies and making them nervous because of his obvious knowledge handicap (STUPIDITY), 4. Threats that could lead to nuclear war, 5. Likely conflict of interest with Russian investments, loans, etc., 6. Paying hush money to a pornography star. 7. Trump firing a lot of the “best people” he hand picked while others have resigned like rats leaping off a sinking ship. Can you sense the coming storms? These are not minor infractions that are open to interpretation. These are everyday, in your face, extremely volatile actions that Trump seems to relish, and dares anybody to do anything about. They are also most certainly, acts unbecoming of a sitting President or any normal human being for that matter. So why isn’t there more pressure on Trump to do the right thing or leave?

If someone that obnoxious was visiting your home, you would ask them to leave. Republicans aren’t asking Trump to leave because they are selfishly trying to protect their jobs and money, instead of making National Security their priority. The rest of us are  not pressing Trump to leave because our economy is good now and we are giving Trump the credit. When people have money, they complain less. The problem is, Trump didn’t make this economy. This economy was skillfully and artfully crafted by President Obama. U.S. GDP. Obama’s Economy Summary . The following chart shows economic growth that covers Presidents Bush and Obama’s terms in office:



Some of you may need a short explanation of the charts. The first linked chart shows the percent change of GDP growth by year. Simply stated, was there positive or negative growth in each year and by what percent. The second linked chart is Obama specific and covers his entire term as President. The second chart focuses on GDP, Debt, and Unemployment. The chart above shows that  in 2009, President Obama took over a declining economy (The Recession), from Republican President George Bush. Every year after 2009, there was positive growth through 2017, the year Trump took over as President. Bottom line, Obama inherited a bad economy and made it better, but Trump inherited a good economy and is making it worse.

Lately, because of some bonehead moves by Trump (ie, tariffs on steel, aluminum, and China), the stock market has some major losses and has become erratic. What we have chosen is money over our National Security, ethics, and morals. When money becomes more important than people, we all lose. But it’s not too late. We have the power to vote for positive change. The future is in our hands and not the politicians. So before the Grim Reaper comes to collect, we need to let President Trump know in terms he can understand, “YOU’RE FIRED”!!!! In your heart you know I’m right!!!!